Hello friends! I am so sorry I have not been on this blog more lately! I have been bombarded by school, family, the holidays, and...the upcoming. Yes, the upcoming! I am excited for the fast-moving entrance to 2013!
I have myself a job starting on January 2nd! This means shopping! Shopping means personal blogs about my own finds! It will mean antique stores, Target, and many more! Including the "special" stores that I have listed below!
You better bet your bottom dollar I will be picking things up from Shop Ruche, Delia's, and Anthropologie. Okay, so the last one probably won't happen because I'll be making $ not $$. A girl could dream though right? I was just looking at Neiman Marcus' website and drooling! Ha ha!
Anyways, I hope you are all excited about me having money to shop and blog than I am! Ha ha! Also, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas full of love, joy, and family! Personally, this Christmas was difficult because of personal problems, but I was very happy to be able to spend the holidays with the people I love the most.
Xoxo, Sarah.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
The Latest In My Life:
Hello friends! Can you believe it's almost 2013 already!? Ahhh! This year flew right on by! Because of life flying right on by - I have barely been able to be on here! A few things have changed since I've typed a blog last, and I even have some very exciting news! Okay, let's start:
I visited Los Angeles the weekend before last:
(In the limo on the way to SFO)
(At Marilyn's Hollywood Star)
(Shopping in Beverly Hills)
(The Disneyland Christmas Tree)
(With Tigger - he was so warm and cuddly)
(It's A Small World Ride lit up for Christmas)
(With Matt Leinart's jersey at USC)
(Driving back home through the Grapevine)
I had a great time in Los Angeles! My wonderful cousin Michelle and her husband Ben were great hosts! I also was able to see the new James Bond flick "Skyfall" down in SoCal, and it was phenomenal! The best one yet in my opinion. Also, how great is Adele's song in the beginning? Amazing.
The new news is: As soon as I finish my last chapters of the curriculum, I have a job tied down! It will feel so good to have my very own job! I am excited about this because with a paycheck, I will be able to produce more and better than before blog posts! I will be able to blog about makeup, clothing, etc more often when I have the mula to buy some of these things!
As of now: I am OBSESSED with the Benefit Cosmetics Instant Brow Pencil. It's actually the only makeup that I have on in any of the above photos! During my trip I packed extra light so I did not have a lot of makeup on me at all. Plus, I had a lot to see and do in SoCal and didn't want to waste any time putting on pounds of makeup!
I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my SoCal trip! Come back to visit my page and I promise slowly but surely you will see a lot more going on here in my sanctuary. One day I hope to get enough readers/commenters to start giveaways! That would be really fun! Maybe that will be my 2013 goal? ;)
Xoxo, Sarah.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Sick Makeup:
The past few days I have been horribly sick with a cold. This means little to no makeup for me. When I'm sick I hate packing on a whole bunch of makeup that makes me feel more gross than I already am. Does anyone else feel this way? If so, here are a few tips on how to wear makeup when you're sick and also just a few tips on how to get better!
Tip #1: Wear light foundation! If you wear heavy foundation you're going to be smothered under all of the germs and snot that you have going on!
Tip #2: Skip the lipstick and go with your favorite chapstick. If you're sick and feeling dehydrated your lips may start peeling. You don't want to put pretty lipstick on gross peeling lips! They need the TLC that chapstick will give them anyways.
Tip #3: Wear waterproof mascara. If you decide that you want to try putting on some mascara, use waterproof! There's a chance that you're going to sneeze or cry from your allergies and you don't want mascara running down your face.
Those are my top three sick makeup tips! Now I have a few tips on how to beat the cold!
Tip #1: Stay indoors. I know you might have to go to school or work, but it's really not fair to the people around you that don't want to get sick. If your boyfriend, husband, sibling, or parents decide they want to come over to nurse you back to health, hey, it's on them. Plus, if you go out in public you may run into someone with a weak immune system that gets seriously ill from a small cold.
Tip #2: Drink plenty of liquids! And I mean good liquids! Such as water, juices, and maybe someone could be special nice and bring you a yummy Jamba Juice smoothie? They have a few smoothies that are perfect for the sick. I've tried "The Coldbuster" - It has peaches, bananas, and orange juice plus two boosts that are made to cure the common cold! Or you can get your favorite Jamba smoothie with a few boosts in them! The best boosts for being sick are the Immunity Boost and the Antioxidant Power Boost!
Tip #3: Rest! Resting is a big part of getting to feel better! You should at least get 8 hours of sleep but get 10-12 if you can!
Tip #4: If the symptoms persist and seem as if they're not going away, call your doctor. I know most of us hate going to the doctors, I do too, but sometimes we just have to buck up and deal with it. Besides, your doctor may be able to prescribe something for you without you having to go into their office!
Those are all of my tips for getting better!
If you're sick too, know that my heart goes out to you. I have been this way for the past 3 days! I keep having yucky sneezing attacks too! Ugh! I'm off of here to try and convince my dad to go get me a Jamba Juice smoothie because typing about them sure made me crave one! Ha ha!
Sneezes and Hugs, Sarah.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
My Favorite Hair Products:
Hello everyone! Sorry I have not posted in awhile, I have been really sick and concentrating on school! Today I found some extra time and figured I would do a post! I am super excited about this post because I get to share a little exciting news! Yay!
Today's post will be about my favorite hair products! Lately, since I have been feeling really icky my favorite hair products have not been in use. I have mainly been throwing my hair in ponytails to just get it out of my face. Plus, I have not been wearing a lot of makeup because when I'm sick and put makeup on I feel extra gross and suffocated. Weird I know! Ha ha!
Anyways - Here are my favorite hair products!
#1) Nexxus Shampoo and Conditioner
I love the smell of Nexxus products! They can be pricey but if you buy them in bulk, you save a few dollars! I normally buy my Nexxus products at Target! The shampoo and conditioner are my favorites!
#2) Redken Straight Line 05 - Heat Resistant Straightening Balm
This balm smells amazing! I wish they had it in a body wash! Ha ha! I think I paid about $10 for mine at a local salon. I put it on right before I straighten my hair and it helps to control frizz! Great product!
#3) Goody Ouchless Elastics
These elastics are the best! They're not all that expensive - you can probably find them at your local Walmart or Target. I normally wear them in black or in colorful color! They last me a long time and they really are ouchless!
Okay, now for the exciting news! As some of you may know, I am a HUGE fan of Kandee Johnson! For those of you who don't even know who Kandee Johnson is, I recommend looking up her blog KandeeJ or her mommy blog Kandeeland! Both are great! Anyways, Kandee is a makeup artist/Youtube guru who I follow religiously! I entered her recent big giveaway and won her Twitter prize! I am beyond excited!! So, if Kandee ever reads this - Kandee, thank you sooo much! I love you and am so excited to use the flat iron! xoxoxo
I hope you all enjoy my "favorites!" I wish I could post photos but my computer isn't allowing me to today and I have no idea why!! Ugh! On to fixing the problem and cleaning my bathrooms! Oh how I live the fancy life...lol!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Fall Makeup:
Hope you are all enjoying your first day of fall! Can you believe there's only 100 days left until 2013!? Craziness! Anyways, I decided to kick off fall with makeup trends! I have a fall hairstyles blog already out but somehow I forgot a makeup one! So here it is!
Dark Red Lips:
Orange/Gold Eyeshadow:
Fake Eyelashes:
Brown Eyeliner:
Those are my five fall favorites for makeup! Keep in mind that all of these things may not exactly go together, ha ha! I personally love fall fashion/beauty/hair the best because it's cooler outside and you can bundle up and nobody cares if you have perfect makeup because they're too busy being cold and shivering! Ha! During summer we all wear less clothes and put our hair up because of the heat, leaving people to see everything!
Hope you all are enjoying your fall so far! I hope you keep bundled up and warm as these cold months approach us! In the area I live in we are still in the 90's! AHH! I want the 60's to come! I miss my jeans and sweaters!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Lately, I have seen a ton of girls wearing skirts! I'm actually quite surprised by this because I would think by now jeans would be the essential go-to bottoms. I was able to find a few photos of my favorite kinds of skirts. I personally do not wear a lot of skirts because I am pretty short, 5'2, and they make me look frumpy. Ha ha!
Floral Skirts:
High-Waisted Skirts:
The Pencil Skirt:
If I were to wear more skirts, I would definitely wear more floral skirts! I think they're fun, pretty, and cute! The high-waisted skirts would probably be best for petite ladies like me. Plus, I hate it when bottoms fit low. The pencil skirt, essential for the woman that works in the office. Classic, effortless, beautiful.
Which skirt is your favorite?
Xoxo, Sarah.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Burt's Bees Products I Would Like To Try:
As you may know my last blog post was about Burt's Bees products. It was my reviews on the three products that I do have that are Burt's Bees. Today's post will be about three products that I would like to try. If you have used any of these products please let me know if you like them, if you don't like them, etc.
1) Fabulously Fresh Peppermint and Rosemary Body Wash
2) Herbal Blemish Stick
3) Natural Toothpaste - Whitening with Fluoride
All of these products have pretty good reviews that I have been able to read. They are not that expensive, I'll just have to see if the local Target carries all o these products. If you have used any of these products please let me know! So far I am in love with Burt's Bees products and have nothing bad to say about them. I love how they're all-natural without having a steep price tag.
There is a local all-natural grocery store that carries other all-natural brands and some of the brands get crazy expensive while Burt's Bees is a bit more expensive that regular brands but not a lot. I've always believed that you get what you pay for. This is why I'm really careful about what I put into my body and onto my skin.
Hope you all enjoyed this post. Again, if you have used any of these products please let me know how you liked them or maybe you didn't like them at all! Ha ha! Have a wonderful weekend full of smiles and loves!
Xoxo, Sarah
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Burt's Bees Product Review:
Hello friends! I hope you are all enjoying your week! Today I figured I would do a blog on all of my Burt's Bees products! Burt's Bees products are wonderful products that are all natural. The positives of their products: They are sulfate free and paraben free, they do not test their products on animals, and their packaging is all recyclable! The one bad thing about their products: Some people believe they're overpriced. I don't think so at all. I was able to get all of my Burt's Bees products from Target for a total price of about $20.
Product 1: The Citrus Facial Scrub
I have to say when I first opened this scrub I was a little hesitant to use it. It was nothing like I had ever used before and didn't smell the best but I put it on anyways and now I love it! It's a dense scrub and what you do is take a small chunk, place the chunk in the palm of your hand and sprinkle the chunk with a few drops of water. Do not use too much water! If you use too much the consistency gets weird and it doesn't do your face much justice, haha! I like this product even though I was unsure at first, and it only cost me about $7 at Target.
Product 2: The Rosewater Toner
Now, my toner bottle looks nothing like this one. My toner bottle is clear with a white cap and a photo of a rose on the front. However, I'm guessing this is the same toner since they both have the same name and I couldn't find a picture of one that looks like mine. This toner is very light and you don't have to use a lot to get the outcome that you want. The price of it at Target is $11.
Product 3: The Original Chapstick
This is by far one of the best things I have put on my lips ever! I use the chapstick twice a day (once in the morning and again at night) and my lips love me for it! I battle with really dry, cracked lips especially in the winter time and have tried chapstick after chapstick to fix them but then my lips feel caked and I hate that feeling. This chapstick is refreshing and it feels so good to put it on after brushing your teeth. I purchased this chapstick at Target for $2. You could buy a pack of 3 for $5, I believe.
So far I am a lover of Burt's Bees products. The facial care products have made my face feel clean and soft. I have not broken out since using these products which is surprising because I usually break out immediately when I start using a new product. My face also is not as red as it usually is! Major plus with me. I give all of these products a five-star rating! I will be purchasing more of their products in the future and would recommend to anyone.
Hope you all enjoyed this review!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Fall Hairstyles:
Fall is quickly approaching and I've seen a lot of people I know change up their hair for the season! So todays post will be about just that! Here are the top 5 fall hairstyles:
The woman's fauxhawk:
Straight, red hair:
One side shaved:
A-Line Bob:
Straight bangs across the forehead:
Which hairstyle is your favorite? Which hairstyle will you be rocking this fall? Weigh in, in the comments below!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Trends are forever being born. Ombre, colored jeans, and UGGS are just a few. However, I have heard of a newer trend: thrifting. Yes, thrifting is becoming bigger and bigger! Even with high school students! I was on Facebook a few days ago and a few of my friends were talking about getting a group together to go thrifting.
I figured maybe this thrifting was a craft until someone asked the girl: What is thrifting? My friend explained that she gets a few girls together, they go to different thrift stores with a budget (there's was $20 each) buy a handful of affordable thrift items, go back to her house and swap! I thought it was one of the best ideas I've ever heard!
They were even able to find name-brand products! American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, Banana Republic, etc! They have different thrifting sessions for different things (clothing, shoes, home decor) throughout the year! I was tempted to go but I unfortunately didn't have any money so figured it would be a bust for me but I sure did love the idea!
I plan on trying this one day when I have more money in the bank! I love the idea, you get a good deal, and you get to have a good time with your friends! What's not to love about this idea? Have any of you tried this? Would it be something you would be interested in doing? Chime in!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Fall Boots:
As fall creeps in day by day I find myself looking at the upcoming fall fashions. One of fall's biggest fashions is boots. Today we take a look at the types of boots you may be wearing or see this fall.
The ankle "Peter Pan" boots:
I love ankle boots! AKA "Peter Pan" boots. I have a pair kind of like these but they're grey. For some reason they remind me of Peter Pan, I have no idea why but that's what they remind me of. They're so comfortable and come in some of the cutest styles and colors!
The riding boots:
Riding boots...one of my favorites! They're country with a sophisticated twist, see the bows on the middle one? These boots are made for riding horses and for the farm life but I have seen these babies walking the aisles of Target! They look great and can feel great too! Just make sure you pick your right size and try them on because not all are all that comfy.
UGG boots:
UGG boots, a fashion phenomenon. As I have never worn an authentic pair of UGG boots, I have tried on boots just like them. They're really comfy and perfect to wear during the cold days. Most of these types of boots are lined with fleece to keep your feet extra warm! Plus, they come in a variety of colors and are pretty cute!
Combat boots:
The combat boot. The perfect boot for the edgy, wild child. While originally designed for combat "hence the name combat boots" these boots have made they're way into the fashion world. Stars like Isabelle Lucas (Transformers) and Kate Bosworth (Straw Dogs) have shown and represented their love for these powerful babies. I've even seen them paired with dresses!
The fur boot:
I honestly am at a loss for words...I just don't know. It looks as if someone has hunted down the abominable snowman, skinned him, and taken his fur to put on boots. This is one trend that I don't understand and never will. There are better options if you want cozy and cute boots because these in my opinion are far from being remotely "cute."
So, what's your favorite fall trend? Is the ankle boot your style or do you think I'm wrong about the fur boot? Weigh in!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Upcoming Fall Fashion:
Fall is almost here and I don't know about you, but I'm excited! I'm excited for the hoodies, the boots, the football, the rain, the orange leaves, everything! I love fall! I would have to say it's my favorite season! The thought of sitting in my pj's with a cup of cocoa watching the crisp leaves fall of the trees and onto the grounds is making me a real happy girl. This summer has been hot! Especially here in Northern Cal where I live.
Anyways, let's talk fashion. I've been on Pinterest drooling over the fall recipes but most of all...I'm drowning over the fall fashion. Here are a few trends that I see coming this fall:
Burgundy Pants
I see burgundy pants becoming a red hot trend this fall. They're really versatile. You could dress them up with a nice blouse, heels, and fall-themed jewelry or you could dress them down with a chunky sweater, boots, and glasses. So to keep up with fall's fashion, buy a pair of burgundy pants. You'll thank me later.
High flat boots or riding boots. I've seen a lot of these in new ads and I have to say I think I might invest in a pair of high boots myself (I only have ankle boots.) I really like the color of these. I think the light brown is perfect for fall. While I do like black boots, I think black boots could be saved more for winter than fall. Black/grey boots look great in winter photos, or a bright color like red or yellow.
Denim shirts. I love denim shirts no matter what season it is but I especially love them in fall! Denim on denim will keep you warm but also will keep you looking chic. You could wear a denim shirt on an errand, at a tailgate party, or on a casual date.
There are my favorite fall fashions! I'll be doing more fall-themed blog posts soon as fall is quickly approaching! On September 22nd to be exact! I'll be posting some fall crafts, baking, fashion, and beauty! Are you excited yet? I am!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Friday, August 17, 2012
What I've Been Up To Lately:
I know that I've been absent lately but it's all in good reason. And if I'm ever absent from here you can see me on Pinterest as well. What can I say, I'm apart of the pinning obsession as well. My Pinterest is: http://pinterest.com/sarahisofficial/.
As for what I've been up to lately I have been busy turning 18! Woohoo! Legal adult! I know, how crazy is that? I had a wonderful birthday week full of family, friends, and laughter. I was also surprised by a concert to see Lonestar and Charlie Daniels.
Fun Fact About Me: When I was younger I was OBSESSED with Lonestar. I loved them so much in fact they were on my 9th birthday cake!
I also have been getting ready for my senior year. Another woohoo! I'm ready for my senior year because I'm ready to get out of high school. While high school has never had a dull moment, it has been long enough. I'm ready to start the rest of my life and move on. College...here I come. Well, next year at least. I plan on doing my general education at the local community college and then transferring to a four-year university.
In addition to those things, I've been looking for a job. Just an entry-level position in retail. I would really like to get more experience and it would be nice to save a little money before college. I need a car. I'm going to need textbooks. I like shopping for clothes. I want to start paying for my own stuff. I just want to be responsible. I could sit back and let my parents pay for everything, but that would be just too boring. Haha!
Well, for now that is what I wanted to blog about, that way you all know what I'm up to. Please pray that I do well in school this year and I'm able to find a decent job! I love you all!
Xoxo, Sarah
P.S. More blogs are to come! Are there anymore specific blogs you would like to see? (Fashion, Beauty, something different?) I'm considering doing more movie review blogs as my reviews are some of my most viewed blogs as are my home decor oriented posts. Let me know by commenting! If you just want to say "hi" that's fine too! :)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
If You Were Rich...
Today as I read GQ Magazine (my mom bought it for me when she saw Joseph Gordon-Levitt on the front, because I love him) I stopped to smell a few of the perfume scratchers they had. One was Gucci and the other was Chanel. As I smelled the perfumes I found myself thinking..."If I was rich, what would be my signature brand?"
I contemplated my answer for awhile. Would it be Dolce & Gabbana? No. Would it be Prada? No. Would it be Marc Jacobs? No. Would it be Chanel? Yes. My signature brand if I were rich would be Chanel. I love Chanel. I love the elegance and class that the Chanel designs radiate. I also love their perfumes and makeup.
Of course as a woman it is my natural instinct to love all things expensive, haha! Just kidding, but I do like good quality products. I think the most that I've ever spent on a shirt is probably like $25. I shop at Marshall's, Target, and Kohl's. Those are my main three stores. Marshall's has some really good deals on designers that you know. Target can be hit and miss, sometimes I love their clothes and other times I can't find anything. Kohl's is exactly the same as Target, sometimes I find the best things and sometimes I find the worst.
So, if you were rich what would be your signature brand and why?
Dreaming of walking the streets of Paris in a Chanel dress with Joseph Gordon-Levitt on my arm, Sarah. xoxo
And he would be looking like this:
Saturday, July 28, 2012
My "Dark Knight Rises" Movie Review:
I've recently gone to see the new Batman "The Dark Knight Rises." Read my review to see what I thought of it. Keep in mind I am not a professional movie reviewer so I am not at all intense when it comes to the more detailed parts. I've written this review as a fellow fan of superhero movies.
I went to see this movie with my dad and siblings and I wanted to originally see "The Amazing Spider-Man" but we decided to see "The Dark Knight Rises" instead. I am so happy that we did! This movie was amazing! So amazing that I've now gone twice and plan on going to see it again!
Two things I will say is...this movie is not for children and it is long. There was a young couple with their young son (maybe 3 or 4 years old) and he would get excited when Batman was onscreen but those were the only times he cared. There's also some intense action, killing scenes, and some scary characters.
Plus, this movie is 3 hours and I could barely sit through a 3 hour movie, think of a 3 year old sitting through a 3 hour movie.
I have seen all of the other Batman movies and this is my favorite so far. I love that they finally introduced Robin! I've been waiting for him to make an appearance. Very glad that Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays him too! Catwoman was potrayed very well by Anne Hathaway, as was Bane by Tom Hardy.
Excellent casting, plot, and ending! Five stars from me!
Xoxo, Sarah.
P.S. I have now nailed down Bane's voice! Ha ha, it was not easy! I have also tried Batman's but haven't gotten anywhere with that one...lol.
I went to see this movie with my dad and siblings and I wanted to originally see "The Amazing Spider-Man" but we decided to see "The Dark Knight Rises" instead. I am so happy that we did! This movie was amazing! So amazing that I've now gone twice and plan on going to see it again!
Two things I will say is...this movie is not for children and it is long. There was a young couple with their young son (maybe 3 or 4 years old) and he would get excited when Batman was onscreen but those were the only times he cared. There's also some intense action, killing scenes, and some scary characters.
Plus, this movie is 3 hours and I could barely sit through a 3 hour movie, think of a 3 year old sitting through a 3 hour movie.
I have seen all of the other Batman movies and this is my favorite so far. I love that they finally introduced Robin! I've been waiting for him to make an appearance. Very glad that Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays him too! Catwoman was potrayed very well by Anne Hathaway, as was Bane by Tom Hardy.
Excellent casting, plot, and ending! Five stars from me!
Xoxo, Sarah.
P.S. I have now nailed down Bane's voice! Ha ha, it was not easy! I have also tried Batman's but haven't gotten anywhere with that one...lol.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I Would Like To Thank:
I would like to thank all of the wonderful people that read my blog! I haven't been able to sleep tonight and decided to check my blog to see if there was anything new, and one this was new and very exciting! The last time I was here on my blog, it was to blog and reflect on those injured/killed in the Aurora theatre shooting. At that point I was at 996 views, where now I have 1,011 views!
This is a little bittersweet as I wish the blog that threw me over the 1,000 mark would have been a blog on fashion or makeup, or anything else really. As I appreciate the views that my blog has received my heart still aches for the people of Aurora. Even for the people that only live there and may not know any of the people affected personally. Their community has been ravished by a cruel and disgusting crime.
Please join me in prayer for all affected and for the community. For the first responders that had to witness such horror in the theatre. For the people who are raising money for the victims and their families. For people like me that have no relations to anyone injured but are still aching from this tragedy.
This tragedy represents something in America that we don't want to accept is here. Evil. Criminals. Terrorists.
We hear about these kind of things happening in other countries and it's almost like we almost expect it, which is a very sad reality. This shooting however, happened on American soil. The people killed were Americans. American children. American soldiers.
A lot of people are talking about how afraid they are now to go see a movie or do the simplest of tasks. Please do not be afraid. There are people like this in our world and unfortunately whether you hide in your house or not, they are still going to be here. I personally have a relationship with Jesus Christ and refuse to live my life in a state of fear.
May God Bless each and every soul hurting and aching tonight.
Xoxo, Sarah.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Aurora, Colorado. July 20, 2012.
Today I would like to take this blog and dedicate it to those injured/killed and affected by the massacre that happened early this morning in Aurora, Colorado. My heart aches for the family and friends that lost their loved ones. Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, and friends were lost in a horrible tragedy that will remain in our minds for as long as we all shall live. I cannot wrap my head around how someone can be so evil to kill innocent lives, including young children's lives.
People sitting in that theatre only wanted to see the latest "Batman" movie. They were sitting with their friends and/or family not knowing what was next. We would never imagine that someone so senseless would walk into a full theatre openin fire killing a dozen people and injuring 50+ more. Not only is my heart with the family and the friends of the victims but also with those that survived and have to live with what they saw, but also with law enforcement. I know that I personally would not be able to be apart of this case, so I can only imagine how police officers with children are being affected by this case.
Last night at 2:00 in the morning I sat on my couch choking back tears as I watched witnesses cry about what they saw in that movie theatre and all I wanted in that moment was the suspect to be found and killed. I'll be the first person to admit that when I see these kind of things on the news, I have nothing but a burning rage to have justice be served. I hope that justice is served and that the people involved are able to find peace.
They are not alone as the rest of the country mourns along with them. Make sure to hug your loved ones a little tighter today as we pray for those that were killed and those that will struggle with this tragedy for the rest of their lives. May God Bless all of you and your families!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Friday, July 13, 2012
This Week:
This week has totally been hectic so unfortunately I have not been able to post on here. I will probably be able to get back to it in a day or few. I have been helping my dad with computer issues, planning my party, running errands, and dogsitting while friends are out of town so I have barely had time to even eat.
I hope you all have had a good week and enjoy your weekend! Let's all find a minute to just think of how grateful we are for the wonderful people in our lives.
Xoxo, Sarah.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sizzling Summer:
So far this summer has been hot! I've opted to spend the heat looking fabulous! Besides on the days when I cheat and stay in my air conditioned house in my pajamas, ha ha! But on days when I really want to I put on a pretty dress, sandals, my favorite purse, earrings, and grab a Passion Tea Lemonade from Starbucks.
How do you spend your hot summer days?
Xoxo, Sarah.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
My Katy Perry: Part Of Me Review:
Hello friends! On July 5th I went to see the Katy Perry: Part Of Me movie and I totally loved it! It was my first 3D movie experience and boy was it a great experience! Here is my review on the movie:
Short background on me: 18 years old. Senior in high school. Went to see with one of my friends.
I went into this movie not expecting a lot. I am a Katy Perry fan but I've seen numerous concert movies (such as Bieber's and Glee's) and always found them to be a bit boring but I figured I would give it a try. I was actually blown away at how much that I liked this one.
Katy seems like a genuinely good-hearted person and puts 100% into everything that she does. They showed a little of her background but not a lot. It mostly followed her year-long concert and some behind-the-scenes footage but the behind-the-scenes footage showed who she really is not only as an enertainer, but also as a human being.
There were times where I laughed and there were times when I cried. I believe that Katy showed every part of herself in this movie. She shared her family, her humor, her quirkiness, and even her sadness with her fans honestly here.
I would recommend this movie to a person that is a fan of Katy Perry, a person that loves music, or a person that is looking for a movie for their tweens/teens. There were some younger kids (maybe 8 or 9ish) in the audience that also seemed to enjoy it as well but they seemed tired after the length of it.
I would not recommend this movie to a person that wants to see a short movie as this movie was a little longer than most. I also wouldn't recommend to a person that isn't into concert performances as the movie has many of them!
This movie get a 4 star rating from me. The only thing that I didn't like was the length but it was overall a great movie!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Short background on me: 18 years old. Senior in high school. Went to see with one of my friends.
I went into this movie not expecting a lot. I am a Katy Perry fan but I've seen numerous concert movies (such as Bieber's and Glee's) and always found them to be a bit boring but I figured I would give it a try. I was actually blown away at how much that I liked this one.
Katy seems like a genuinely good-hearted person and puts 100% into everything that she does. They showed a little of her background but not a lot. It mostly followed her year-long concert and some behind-the-scenes footage but the behind-the-scenes footage showed who she really is not only as an enertainer, but also as a human being.
There were times where I laughed and there were times when I cried. I believe that Katy showed every part of herself in this movie. She shared her family, her humor, her quirkiness, and even her sadness with her fans honestly here.
I would recommend this movie to a person that is a fan of Katy Perry, a person that loves music, or a person that is looking for a movie for their tweens/teens. There were some younger kids (maybe 8 or 9ish) in the audience that also seemed to enjoy it as well but they seemed tired after the length of it.
I would not recommend this movie to a person that wants to see a short movie as this movie was a little longer than most. I also wouldn't recommend to a person that isn't into concert performances as the movie has many of them!
This movie get a 4 star rating from me. The only thing that I didn't like was the length but it was overall a great movie!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Animalistic Trends:
Wherever you walk you see animals and animal prints. I love animal prints! Zebra, cheetah, leopard, and a lot of others! I however do not condone wearing actual animal fur or skin! I am 100& against it! I would rather go naked than wear fur. But, I do like the prints even if they're fake.
So, here are my favorite animalistic (which is probably not a word) trends:
Okay, first of all, how cute is that purse!? I would love to have it hanging in my closet! I also love the leopard booties! Adorable! I have zebra bedding so of course I'm bias. The SF Panda hats are a huge trend! Especially here in California! And elephant decorations pretty much go with anything!
So, what are your favorite animalistic trends? Are your faves on purses, booties, or home decorations? Would you use your favorite animal print as bedding? Why or why not?
Hope you all have a great weekend full of love and laughter!
Xoxo, Sarah.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Themed Birthday Parties:
So, in exactly a month from now on August 6th, it will be my 18th birthday. I'm excited but to be honest a little nervous. I will be a legal adult. Scary to think about even for me. Today I was kicking around birthday ideas and I think I have an idea of what I want to do but I'm still not 100% positive. While I was kicking around ideas I thought of all the cool themes that can be used! Here are the five that I fell in love with:
This is the beach theme! Especially since it's summer, I believe the beach theme is totally appropriate! With it's blue colors and seashells I'm in love with this theme! To make the party even better hold a beach themed party somewhere with a pool so you and your friends can cool off while enjoying the warm weather! Sadly, I don't have a pool or know anyone that does.
Next, a carnival theme! How fun does this look!? Even for teenagers this party would be a blast! Hot dogs for lunch and cotton candy for dessert? Yes please! Also include a lot of fun games that are carnival themed. Such as a balloon dart game or bobbing for apples! Make sure to have small prizes to make the games extra fun!
Thirdly, this is theme cupcake! Yes, I said cupcake! Cupcakes are such a big trend now that people are having cupcake themed parties! I myself am not a big cupcake person but I do find the theme very cute! I especially love the sweet colors that are involved in the parties! Plus, at this themed party can you imagine all of the different flavors that you could try? Yum!
Now it's time for Old Hollywood. This theme is one of the oldest yet best themes of them all! Get some gold and glitter accents and dress your party up! Have your friends wear their best clothing! (Dresses for girls, suits for boys) Then make sure that you have a red carpet with a line fo paparazzi! The paparazzi can be parents, siblings, or maybe friends can switch out every once and awhile! Oh and don't forget fancy gift bags for all of your famous friends!
And last, but not least...a Paris themed party! I am in love! If you know me well, you know that I love all things Paris! From the pink and the black colors (which I love!) to the Eiffel Tower being on everything such as the invitations, hats, and even the cake! This is destined to be one of my birthday themes, whether it be this year or a later year, I will one day have this!
Hope you all enjoyed this blog and enjoyed your 4th of July! Our next holiday is well...my 18th birthday! Just kidding! Ha! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Xoxo, Sarah.
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