Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall Boots:

   As fall creeps in day by day I find myself looking at the upcoming fall fashions. One of fall's biggest fashions is boots. Today we take a look at the types of boots you may be wearing or see this fall.

   The ankle "Peter Pan" boots:

   I love ankle boots! AKA "Peter Pan" boots. I have a pair kind of like these but they're grey. For some reason they remind me of Peter Pan, I have no idea why but that's what they remind me of. They're so comfortable and come in some of the cutest styles and colors!

   The riding boots:

   Riding of my favorites! They're country with a sophisticated twist, see the bows on the middle one? These boots are made for riding horses and for the farm life but I have seen these babies walking the aisles of Target! They look great and can feel great too! Just make sure you pick your right size and try them on because not all are all that comfy.

   UGG boots:

   UGG boots, a fashion phenomenon. As I have never worn an authentic pair of UGG boots, I have tried on boots just like them. They're really comfy and perfect to wear during the cold days. Most of these types of boots are lined with fleece to keep your feet extra warm! Plus, they come in a variety of colors and are pretty cute!

   Combat boots:

   The combat boot. The perfect boot for the edgy, wild child. While originally designed for combat "hence the name combat boots" these boots have made they're way into the fashion world. Stars like Isabelle Lucas (Transformers) and Kate Bosworth (Straw Dogs) have shown and represented their love for these powerful babies. I've even seen them paired with dresses!

   The fur boot:

   I honestly am at a loss for words...I just don't know. It looks as if someone has hunted down the abominable snowman, skinned him, and taken his fur to put on boots. This is one trend that I don't understand and never will. There are better options if you want cozy and cute boots because these in my opinion are far from being remotely "cute."

   So, what's your favorite fall trend? Is the ankle boot your style or do you think I'm wrong about the fur boot? Weigh in!

   Xoxo, Sarah.

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