Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If You Were Rich...

   Today as I read GQ Magazine (my mom bought it for me when she saw Joseph Gordon-Levitt on the front, because I love him) I stopped to smell a few of the perfume scratchers they had. One was Gucci and the other was Chanel. As I smelled the perfumes I found myself thinking..."If I was rich, what would be my signature brand?"
   I contemplated my answer for awhile. Would it be Dolce & Gabbana? No. Would it be Prada? No. Would it be Marc Jacobs? No. Would it be Chanel? Yes. My signature brand if I were rich would be Chanel. I love Chanel. I love the elegance and class that the Chanel designs radiate. I also love their perfumes and makeup.

   Of course as a woman it is my natural instinct to love all things expensive, haha! Just kidding, but I do like good quality products. I think the most that I've ever spent on a shirt is probably like $25. I shop at Marshall's, Target, and Kohl's. Those are my main three stores. Marshall's has some really good deals on designers that you know. Target can be hit and miss, sometimes I love their clothes and other times I can't find anything. Kohl's is exactly the same as Target, sometimes I find the best things and sometimes I find the worst.

  So, if you were rich what would be your signature brand and why?

   Dreaming of walking the streets of Paris in a Chanel dress with Joseph Gordon-Levitt on my arm, Sarah. xoxo

   And he would be looking like this:

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