Friday, November 30, 2012

The Latest In My Life:

Hello friends! Can you believe it's almost 2013 already!? Ahhh! This year flew right on by! Because of life flying right on by - I have barely been able to be on here! A few things have changed since I've typed a blog last, and I even have some very exciting news! Okay, let's start:

I visited Los Angeles the weekend before last:

(In the limo on the way to SFO)
 (At Marilyn's Hollywood Star)
 (Shopping in Beverly Hills)
 (The Disneyland Christmas Tree)
 (With Tigger - he was so warm and cuddly)
 (It's A Small World Ride lit up for Christmas)
 (With Matt Leinart's jersey at USC)
(Driving back home through the Grapevine)
I had a great time in Los Angeles! My wonderful cousin Michelle and her husband Ben were great hosts! I also was able to see the new James Bond flick "Skyfall" down in SoCal, and it was phenomenal! The best one yet in my opinion. Also, how great is Adele's song in the beginning? Amazing.
The new news is: As soon as I finish my last chapters of the curriculum, I have a job tied down! It will feel so good to have my very own job! I am excited about this because with a paycheck, I will be able to produce more and better than before blog posts! I will be able to blog about makeup, clothing, etc more often when I have the mula to buy some of these things!
As of now: I am OBSESSED with the Benefit Cosmetics Instant Brow Pencil. It's actually the only makeup that I have on in any of the above photos! During my trip I packed extra light so I did not have a lot of makeup on me at all. Plus, I had a lot to see and do in SoCal and didn't want to waste any time putting on pounds of makeup!
I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my SoCal trip! Come back to visit my page and I promise slowly but surely you will see a lot more going on here in my sanctuary. One day I hope to get enough readers/commenters to start giveaways! That would be really fun! Maybe that will be my 2013 goal? ;)
Xoxo, Sarah.

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