Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sick Makeup:

The past few days I have been horribly sick with a cold. This means little to no makeup for me. When I'm sick I hate packing on a whole bunch of makeup that makes me feel more gross than I already am. Does anyone else feel this way? If so, here are a few tips on how to wear makeup when you're sick and also just a few tips on how to get better!

Tip #1: Wear light foundation! If you wear heavy foundation you're going to be smothered under all of the germs and snot that you have going on!

Tip #2: Skip the lipstick and go with your favorite chapstick. If you're sick and feeling dehydrated your lips may start peeling. You don't want to put pretty lipstick on gross peeling lips! They need the TLC that chapstick will give them anyways.

Tip #3: Wear waterproof mascara. If you decide that you want to try putting on some mascara, use waterproof! There's a chance that you're going to sneeze or cry from your allergies and you don't want mascara running down your face.

Those are my top three sick makeup tips! Now I have a few tips on how to beat the cold!

Tip #1: Stay indoors. I know you might have to go to school or work, but it's really not fair to the people around you that don't want to get sick. If your boyfriend, husband, sibling, or parents decide they want to come over to nurse you back to health, hey, it's on them. Plus, if you go out in public you may run into someone with a weak immune system that gets seriously ill from a small cold.

Tip #2: Drink plenty of liquids! And I mean good liquids! Such as water, juices, and maybe someone could be special nice and bring you a yummy Jamba Juice smoothie? They have a few smoothies that are perfect for the sick. I've tried "The Coldbuster" - It has peaches, bananas, and orange juice plus two boosts that are made to cure the common cold! Or you can get your favorite Jamba smoothie with a few boosts in them! The best boosts for being sick are the Immunity Boost and the Antioxidant Power Boost!

Tip #3: Rest! Resting is a big part of getting to feel better! You should at least get 8 hours of sleep but get 10-12 if you can!

Tip #4: If the symptoms persist and seem as if they're not going away, call your doctor. I know most of us hate going to the doctors, I do too, but sometimes we just have to buck up and deal with it. Besides, your doctor may be able to prescribe something for you without you having to go into their office!

Those are all of my tips for getting better!

If you're sick too, know that my heart goes out to you. I have been this way for the past 3 days! I keep having yucky sneezing attacks too! Ugh! I'm off of here to try and convince my dad to go get me a Jamba Juice smoothie because typing about them sure made me crave one! Ha ha!

Sneezes and Hugs, Sarah.

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