Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Would Like To Thank:

   I would like to thank all of the wonderful people that read my blog! I haven't been able to sleep tonight and decided to check my blog to see if there was anything new, and one this was new and very exciting! The last time I was here on my blog, it was to blog and reflect on those injured/killed in the Aurora theatre shooting. At that point I was at 996 views, where now I have 1,011 views!

    This is a little bittersweet as I wish the blog that threw me over the 1,000 mark would have been a blog on fashion or makeup, or anything else really. As I appreciate the views that my blog has received my heart still aches for the people of Aurora. Even for the people that only live there and may not know any of the people affected personally. Their community has been ravished by a cruel and disgusting crime.

   Please join me in prayer for all affected and for the community. For the first responders that had to witness such horror in the theatre. For the people who are raising money for the victims and their families. For people like me that have no relations to anyone injured but are still aching from this tragedy.

   This tragedy represents something in America that we don't want to accept is here. Evil. Criminals. Terrorists.

    We hear about these kind of things happening in other countries and it's almost like we almost expect it, which is a very sad reality. This shooting however, happened on American soil. The people killed were Americans. American children. American soldiers.

   A lot of people are talking about how afraid they are now to go see a movie or do the simplest of tasks. Please do not be afraid. There are people like this in our world and unfortunately whether you hide in your house or not, they are still going to be here. I personally have a relationship with Jesus Christ and refuse to live my life in a state of fear.

May God Bless each and every soul hurting and aching tonight.

Xoxo, Sarah.

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