Sunday, July 8, 2012

My Katy Perry: Part Of Me Review:

   Hello friends! On July 5th I went to see the Katy Perry: Part Of Me movie and I totally loved it! It was my first 3D movie experience and boy was it a great experience! Here is my review on the movie:

   Short background on me: 18 years old. Senior in high school. Went to see with one of my friends.

   I went into this movie not expecting a lot. I am a Katy Perry fan but I've seen numerous concert movies (such as Bieber's and Glee's) and always found them to be a bit boring but I figured I would give it a try. I was actually blown away at how much that I liked this one.

   Katy seems like a genuinely good-hearted person and puts 100% into everything that she does. They showed a little of her background but not a lot. It mostly followed her year-long concert and some behind-the-scenes footage but the behind-the-scenes footage showed who she really is not only as an enertainer, but also as a human being.

   There were times where I laughed and there were times when I cried. I believe that Katy showed every part of herself in this movie. She shared her family, her humor, her quirkiness, and even her sadness with her fans honestly here.

   I would recommend this movie to a person that is a fan of Katy Perry, a person that loves music, or a person that is looking for a movie for their tweens/teens. There were some younger kids (maybe 8 or 9ish) in the audience that also seemed to enjoy it as well but they seemed tired after the length of it.

   I would not recommend this movie to a person that wants to see a short movie as this movie was a little longer than most. I also wouldn't recommend to a person that isn't into concert performances as the movie has many of them!

   This movie get a 4 star rating from me. The only thing that I didn't like was the length but it was overall a great movie!

Xoxo, Sarah.

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