Monday, September 30, 2013

September Favorites!

Hello everyone! 

It's been awhile since I last posted a "favorites" post, so I decided that since it's the last day of September I would finally do one! Actually, it's been awhile since I posted anything on here! Which I apologize for! There's just been so much going on in my life! I was just in a wedding and it's been completely insane around my house!


Lately, I have been absolutely obsessed with gowns just like these ones! Aren't they just so beautiful? I love lengths, the colors, and the textures! I've been on Elie Saab's website like everyday this past week just drooling over all of his gowns. They're just so whimsical. If I was a princess, these are the types of dresses that I would wear! Plus, they're modest! You don't have to be showing your behind or boobies to look attractive!


I actually read this book, "Once Upon A Secret" a little while ago and fell in love with it! I spotted it at my local library and just knew that I had to read it. If you've read my blog before or know me at all, you know that I'm weirdly into the life of JFK. Ever since a report that I did on him in 4th grade, I have loved all things JFK. So, when I saw this book I knew that I had to read it! 

It was really good. There were a few parts that made me laugh, a few that made me cry, and a few that made me mad. Of course, since JFK is dead, we don't really know if it's true. You take from the book what you want to take from it. Personally, I think that it is a tad tasteless to write about someone who is dead because that person is not alive to defend themselves against any wrong accusations. However, it is a good book and it is entertaining. 


Kodaline. Oh my goodness. They are my new obsession! I just love all of their songs! However, this is definitely my favorite! They're the kind of band that you can listen to no matter the mood you're in! They're from Ireland and their voices and sound is just so unique. I'm a fan for sure. 


"Chicago Fire." All I want to say is, if there's ever a fire at my house, I want Severide and Casey to show up in uniform at my house! That is all. No, honestly, it's a great show! It's well-written, as realistic as it gets, and the acting by the cast is superb! I've been trying to catch up on the first season and with the second season just starting, I'm ready to get addicted. 

Hope you all enjoy my favorites! Do you like any of these things too? If so, let me know in the comments! 

Much Love,


Monday, August 26, 2013

2013 MTV VMA's Fashion:

Hello everyone!

I've come to bring you and all new blog post dedicated to yet another awards show! Awards show are some of my favorite places to scope out fashion trends! Hollywoods' elite seems to always bring something new and interesting to the mix and last night's VMA's was no exception! I am going to tell you some of my favorite looks of the night!

The Lovely Ladies:

 Selena Gomez

In my opinion, Selena Gomez was easily the best dressed woman of the night! Of course, that's only an opinion and there were many other women that were dressed to impress last night. I love the open form of the dress as if it's opening to give you a peek of some sexy lingerie. The thigh high leg slit looks incredible on her and I also love her hair and makeup! She just looked incredible last night!

 Taylor Swift

Selena Gomez' best friend Taylor Swift dressed to impress as well at the star studded event! I loved the color of the dress that she wore and the simplicity of her whole look. The dress fit her very well and she showed off her tall and slim figure in the most appropriate way possible. However, I wasn't really enjoying the hair that she wore with the dress. If I had been wearing that dress, I probably would have done a hairstyle that was more simple instead of trying to overdo it with all of the curls. I don't know, I think it seemed to age her as well. 

 Ellie Goulding

I absolutely adored what Ellie Goulding wore to the VMA's last night! The nude studded dress was edgy and elegant all at the same time which is a really hard thing to do in fashion! I think that her look was one of the best of the night and I really wish that she would have received more attention for it! I think her hair and makeup were perfectly suited for the look as well!

The Handsome Men:

 Justin Timberlake

Now, I'm not sure if you'll even be able to see what JT is wearing behind all of his awards! Ha! I love the way that Justin dresses. He's simple and knows how to work it well. I'm pretty sure that he could have worn a white t-shirt and jeans and I still would have put him on the list, just because he knows how to wear clothes! He's just a really simple guy and I think it shows in what he wears and how he presents himself.

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

I have to say that the first fashion comment that came out of my mouth last night while watching the VMA's was about Macklemore. Now, when I first saw him he was not wearing the fur that he is in this photo (which I'm not personally a fan of) he was only wearing his mint green suit which I was in awe of! I love it when men where pastel suits! Maybe it has to do with the way that Crockett and Tubbs used to wear them in Miami Vice but it just does something to me and I really like it. I was a huge fan of the fashion chosen by Macklemore last night and I'm not afraid to say it. 

Liam, Zayn, Niall, Harry and Louis of One Direction

I just have to say that I really like what the boys of One Direction wear! The reason why I say that is, they don't try to match. These boys just wear what they want to wear and they don't care about what anyone thinks about it. Plus, they don't have to wear suits and ties to look really good! I love how they constantly incorporate their own styles into an event and somehow it just seems to all work! I love it.

Anyways, those are my favorite fashion choices of the 2013 MTV VMA's! The show was a great one and definitely had some highs and lows! If you watched the show then you know exactly what I'm talking about! My personal favorite moment of the night was when Justin Timberlake performed and then *NSYNC reunited for a bit! Justin is such a great entertainer and he definitely earned the 2013 Michael Jackson Vanguard Award! 

I hope that you enjoy this post! Please feel free to comment your opinions on the fashion choices of the night, the best and worst performances, and maybe what you would have worn if you would have been at the VMA's!

Much Love,


Monday, August 12, 2013

2013 Teen Choice Awards Style:

Hello everyone!

As you may know, yesterday was the 2013 Teen Choice Awards! One of my favorite award shows of the summer! Not only because of the awards, or the performances, but also because of the fun summer fashion! I love seeing the looks that walk up the blue carpet! 

I decided to choose three looks of each gender that were my faves of the night!


Shay Mitchell

I loved the outfit that Shay Mitchell rocked last night! She looked stunning in her simple black and white jumpsuit! Plus, I love the color that she incorporated with her bright yellow shoes (they may be gold but I can't tell in this photo, they look more yellow to me!) I love how she went with something really simple, having no accessories and crazy hair-do. I just love everything about this outfit!

Selena Gomez

To be quite honest, when I first saw this ensemble I wasn't sure if I liked. However, as the night went on it slowly began to grow on me and now looking at it more today, I really really like it. The cut of the dress is different and sexy but I especially love the color! Plus, with a nude heel she looks elegant and daring at the same time. I would definitely wear this outfit myself.

Lea Michele

Lea Michele was just gorgeous all around last night. Her beautiful speech about her co-star and fiance' Cory Monteith made tears flow from every corner in the world. Of course her speech and appearance were captivating alone but another thing that caught my attention was her outfit. I just fell in love with her pink dress! The fabric looks really comfortable and it fit her very well. Plus, her simple accessories topped the look off easily.


Darren Criss

I'm just convinced that Darren Criss could wear a chicken suit and still look adorable! I mean, how good does he look in this suit? He looks great right? Anyways, I love the simple black suit dressed with a bright blue tie. A lot like Shay Mitchells' look, it's simple yet it looks so amazing. Sometimes simple is just better.

Ian Somerhalder

I can't help but smile every time I see Ian Somerhalder, not only because of his good looks but because of his laid back personality! You can see his personality shined through last night as he attended the Teen Choice Awards with black leather pants and a simple graphic t-shirt. This just goes to show that you don't have to get all dressed up to look really good. 

 Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry from One Direction

Last night I watched the boys of One Direction open the show with their new hit single, "Best Song Ever" and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by their angelic voices and their unique sense of style. What I love the most about these boys is that they're aware that they're all different in their own ways and they've accepted it because it shows in their style. Louis is a bit on the preppy side when it comes to dressing up and Harry looks really comfortable with only wearing a button up shirt with jeans. I love the diversity with these boys.

If you watched the Teen Choice Awards last night, I hope that your favorite movie, song, or idol won! It was a fun show and it was great to see all of the different styles and upcoming trends. Darren Criss and Lucy Hale did a great job of hosting and I would definitely like to see them together again sometime.

I hope you all enjoyed this post! Have a great end of the summer!

Much Love,





Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back to School!

Hello everyone!

As you know (and are probably dreading) school is just around the corner! Within the next few weeks kids are going to be piling into classrooms to bury their heads in the books! School seems boring and kind of annoying but school can be a great way to show off your style and to see other styles as well! So, this post will be dedicated to the 2013 back to school style! Ding ding! School is now in session!

The 80's are coming back! 

High waisted acid wash jeans! (these are from Pacsun in the Bullhead collection!) 

Denim inspired t-shirts! (this is from Topshop from MOTO!)

Booties! (these are from Nordstrom and they're by Tildon!)

As you can see, I'm personally really into the "grunge" style of the 80's. I don't know, I'm a big 80's person. I actually think that I should have been a teenager in the 80's because I just love everything about the 80's! I love the music, the style, and even the hair! Yes, even the hair! 

Prim & Proper! 

Dresses! (This dress is from Pacsun and it's from Kirra! Now, this dress is a little short for school but it would look cute with some cute leggings underneath!)


Sweaters! (This is from Topshop!)

Handbags! (This one is from Nordstrom and is by Street Level!)

The Athlete!

Varsity jacket! (This one is from Pacsun by WeSC!)

Athletic tees! (This one is from Nordstrom and is by Project Social!)

Sneakers! (These are from Nordstrom and are Converse!) 

There you have it! There are some of the most popular looks that you will see around the halls this school year! You may be the rocker chick, you may be the proper chick, and you may be the athletic chick. Whichever chick you are, walk into school this year with your head held high, a smile on your face, and confidence radiating through you! If you're confident and respect yourself, everyone around you will have the same feeling about you. 

Now, I used a lot of Topshop, Pacsun, and Nordstrom in this post. Those aren't the only stores that carry these types of looks I swear! I will post a few of my other favorite stores to shop at below! If you're about to be going back to school, have fun. Don't stress too much! You are beautiful, you are smart, and you deserve success! Now, go win the world!

Other stores to shop at:

Much Love,






Saturday, July 6, 2013

June Favorites!

Hello everyone!

Whoa! It has been quite some time since I have been on here! What surprises me is that people continue to look at my blog! Crazy thought! I'm sorry that I have not been on as much as I should have but this year has been absolutely insane! In the beginning of the year I was busy with work and school, since then I have been getting everything caught up over summer and figuring out what I want to do after high school. Life has been hard but I'm back. 

 I decided to go ahead and do a "favorites" blog to ease myself back in. So, here are a few favorites that I had during the month of June.


As far as fashion goes, I am really into the rockish-beach style. I love the acid denim shorts, floral bustiers, hard jewelry, and bright makeup. I'm also into the "casual rocker" look as well. Old band t-shirts, distressed jeans, and scuffed boots. I don't know why I have acquired a taste for this fashion because normally I'm really into pastels and florals so it's kind of fun to find myself liking such a different style. That's what fashion is about. Finding fun and happiness in all types of styles and mixing them all together.


I bought this book a few months ago when I was working and began to read it but my work schedule made it impossible to finish. I just now am starting over again and the main reason I really like this book is, I love John F. Kennedy. Ever since I did a report on him in fourth grade I have been obsessed with him. Plus, I really like Bill O'Reilly. I love his books, I love his television show, and I just love him. I would recommend for any Kennedy fan. Plus, they're making a television-movie based off of the book starring Rob Lowe and Ginnifer Goodwin. 



I am pretty much obsessed with this song. I'm new to this group and as soon as I heard this song I knew that it would be a new favorite of mine. Lately I've liked listening to some more indie-rock bands because some of the mainstream music starts to all sound the same. This song is new, fresh, and everything that I've been looking for over the summer. Good job "The Academic", good job.


 I've been keeping a close eye on the Zimmerman trial! I've always had an interest in trials and to finally be able to watch one from beginning to end is keeping me busy during the day. Watching the defense go against the prosecutors is great and listening to the witness testimonies is interesting. I'm not going to post my personal opinion on the trial but if you're into trials, it's definitely one to watch.

Anyways, that is my first post of 2013 I believe! Sorry about that! I sure hope that you like this post and continue to come back to read! I plan on posting more very soon. It's been too long since I've been on here and all of my viewers have been faithful so I want to be faithful to all of you. :) 

Hope you all are doing well and enjoying your summers!  

Xo - Sarah 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Upcoming in 2013:

Hello friends! I am so sorry I have not been on this blog more lately! I have been bombarded by school, family, the holidays, and...the upcoming. Yes, the upcoming! I am excited for the fast-moving entrance to 2013!

I have myself a job starting on January 2nd! This means shopping! Shopping means personal blogs about my own finds! It will mean antique stores, Target, and many more! Including the "special" stores that I have listed below!

You better bet your bottom dollar I will be picking things up from Shop Ruche, Delia's, and Anthropologie. Okay, so the last one probably won't happen because I'll be making $ not $$. A girl could dream though right? I was just looking at Neiman Marcus' website and drooling! Ha ha!

Anyways, I hope you are all excited about me having money to shop and blog than I am! Ha ha! Also, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas full of love, joy, and family! Personally, this Christmas was difficult because of personal problems, but I was very happy to be able to spend the holidays with the people I love the most.

Xoxo, Sarah.

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Latest In My Life:

Hello friends! Can you believe it's almost 2013 already!? Ahhh! This year flew right on by! Because of life flying right on by - I have barely been able to be on here! A few things have changed since I've typed a blog last, and I even have some very exciting news! Okay, let's start:

I visited Los Angeles the weekend before last:

(In the limo on the way to SFO)
 (At Marilyn's Hollywood Star)
 (Shopping in Beverly Hills)
 (The Disneyland Christmas Tree)
 (With Tigger - he was so warm and cuddly)
 (It's A Small World Ride lit up for Christmas)
 (With Matt Leinart's jersey at USC)
(Driving back home through the Grapevine)
I had a great time in Los Angeles! My wonderful cousin Michelle and her husband Ben were great hosts! I also was able to see the new James Bond flick "Skyfall" down in SoCal, and it was phenomenal! The best one yet in my opinion. Also, how great is Adele's song in the beginning? Amazing.
The new news is: As soon as I finish my last chapters of the curriculum, I have a job tied down! It will feel so good to have my very own job! I am excited about this because with a paycheck, I will be able to produce more and better than before blog posts! I will be able to blog about makeup, clothing, etc more often when I have the mula to buy some of these things!
As of now: I am OBSESSED with the Benefit Cosmetics Instant Brow Pencil. It's actually the only makeup that I have on in any of the above photos! During my trip I packed extra light so I did not have a lot of makeup on me at all. Plus, I had a lot to see and do in SoCal and didn't want to waste any time putting on pounds of makeup!
I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my SoCal trip! Come back to visit my page and I promise slowly but surely you will see a lot more going on here in my sanctuary. One day I hope to get enough readers/commenters to start giveaways! That would be really fun! Maybe that will be my 2013 goal? ;)
Xoxo, Sarah.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sick Makeup:

The past few days I have been horribly sick with a cold. This means little to no makeup for me. When I'm sick I hate packing on a whole bunch of makeup that makes me feel more gross than I already am. Does anyone else feel this way? If so, here are a few tips on how to wear makeup when you're sick and also just a few tips on how to get better!

Tip #1: Wear light foundation! If you wear heavy foundation you're going to be smothered under all of the germs and snot that you have going on!

Tip #2: Skip the lipstick and go with your favorite chapstick. If you're sick and feeling dehydrated your lips may start peeling. You don't want to put pretty lipstick on gross peeling lips! They need the TLC that chapstick will give them anyways.

Tip #3: Wear waterproof mascara. If you decide that you want to try putting on some mascara, use waterproof! There's a chance that you're going to sneeze or cry from your allergies and you don't want mascara running down your face.

Those are my top three sick makeup tips! Now I have a few tips on how to beat the cold!

Tip #1: Stay indoors. I know you might have to go to school or work, but it's really not fair to the people around you that don't want to get sick. If your boyfriend, husband, sibling, or parents decide they want to come over to nurse you back to health, hey, it's on them. Plus, if you go out in public you may run into someone with a weak immune system that gets seriously ill from a small cold.

Tip #2: Drink plenty of liquids! And I mean good liquids! Such as water, juices, and maybe someone could be special nice and bring you a yummy Jamba Juice smoothie? They have a few smoothies that are perfect for the sick. I've tried "The Coldbuster" - It has peaches, bananas, and orange juice plus two boosts that are made to cure the common cold! Or you can get your favorite Jamba smoothie with a few boosts in them! The best boosts for being sick are the Immunity Boost and the Antioxidant Power Boost!

Tip #3: Rest! Resting is a big part of getting to feel better! You should at least get 8 hours of sleep but get 10-12 if you can!

Tip #4: If the symptoms persist and seem as if they're not going away, call your doctor. I know most of us hate going to the doctors, I do too, but sometimes we just have to buck up and deal with it. Besides, your doctor may be able to prescribe something for you without you having to go into their office!

Those are all of my tips for getting better!

If you're sick too, know that my heart goes out to you. I have been this way for the past 3 days! I keep having yucky sneezing attacks too! Ugh! I'm off of here to try and convince my dad to go get me a Jamba Juice smoothie because typing about them sure made me crave one! Ha ha!

Sneezes and Hugs, Sarah.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Favorite Hair Products:

Hello everyone! Sorry I have not posted in awhile, I have been really sick and concentrating on school! Today I found some extra time and figured I would do a post! I am super excited about this post because I get to share a little exciting news! Yay!

Today's post will be about my favorite hair products! Lately, since I have been feeling really icky my favorite hair products have not been in use. I have mainly been throwing my hair in ponytails to just get it out of my face. Plus, I have not been wearing a lot of makeup because when I'm sick and put makeup on I feel extra gross and suffocated. Weird I know! Ha ha!

Anyways - Here are my favorite hair products!

#1) Nexxus Shampoo and Conditioner

I love the smell of Nexxus products! They can be pricey but if you buy them in bulk, you save a few dollars! I normally buy my Nexxus products at Target! The shampoo and conditioner are my favorites!

#2) Redken Straight Line 05 - Heat Resistant Straightening Balm

This balm smells amazing! I wish they had it in a body wash! Ha ha! I think I paid about $10 for mine at a local salon. I put it on right before I straighten my hair and it helps to control frizz! Great product!

#3) Goody Ouchless Elastics

These elastics are the best! They're not all that expensive - you can probably find them at your local Walmart or Target. I normally wear them in black or in colorful color! They last me a long time and they really are ouchless!

Okay, now for the exciting news! As some of you may know, I am a HUGE fan of Kandee Johnson! For those of you who don't even know who Kandee Johnson is, I recommend looking up her blog KandeeJ or her mommy blog Kandeeland! Both are great! Anyways, Kandee is a makeup artist/Youtube guru who I follow religiously! I entered her recent big giveaway and won her Twitter prize! I am beyond excited!! So, if Kandee ever reads this - Kandee, thank you sooo much! I love you and am so excited to use the flat iron! xoxoxo

I hope you all enjoy my "favorites!" I wish I could post photos but my computer isn't allowing me to today and I have no idea why!! Ugh! On to fixing the problem and cleaning my bathrooms! Oh how I live the fancy!

Xoxo, Sarah.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall Makeup:

Hope you are all enjoying your first day of fall! Can you believe there's only 100 days left until 2013!? Craziness! Anyways, I decided to kick off fall with makeup trends! I have a fall hairstyles blog already out but somehow I forgot a makeup one! So here it is!

Dark Red Lips:

Orange/Gold Eyeshadow:

Fake Eyelashes:

Brown Eyeliner:


Those are my five fall favorites for makeup! Keep in mind that all of these things may not exactly go together, ha ha! I personally love fall fashion/beauty/hair the best because it's cooler outside and you can bundle up and nobody cares if you have perfect makeup because they're too busy being cold and shivering! Ha! During summer we all wear less clothes and put our hair up because of the heat, leaving people to see everything!

Hope you all are enjoying your fall so far! I hope you keep bundled up and warm as these cold months approach us! In the area I live in we are still in the 90's! AHH! I want the 60's to come! I miss my jeans and sweaters!

Xoxo, Sarah.