Friday, February 24, 2012


   Tomorrow, I will be posting a blog about my trip to Target today. My trip today was really fun and I was able to bring along my camera to show some of my cool finds. They had a few really cool pieces of jewelry on sale but I didn't splurge on any. Actually, I was hoping to walk away with a few things but I just could not bring myself to spend a lot of money, ha ha. So, I just walked off with some Almay foundation that I'm interested in trying. (I will do a blog on that!)

   That will be a ton of fun! I saw some cool accessories, shoes, and housewares! I wish I would have taken photos of more clothing but I think I only took a photo of a shirt I am hoping will end up on the clearance rack, ha ha. I will have to upload that and show off my Target treasures! The local Target is being rennovated so it's all funky, things are everywhere, and it's just...funky, ha.

Here's to finding tons of awesome things in Target, wishing you had enough money that it didn't hurt everytime you buy a shirt and go ca-ching, Sarah. Xx.

COMING SOON: A "What is in my Bag" blog! That's always interesting, ha ha.

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