Thursday, February 9, 2012

One Of Those Heartfelt Posts.

    Holland Roden is so gorgeous! And I am flattered because I've been told by countless people that I look like her, actually, when I showed my dad this photo and I was all "Hey dad, what do you think of this photo?" And he was all, "You look pretty." Tho' behold...this is not me. So yes, I am a bit flattered. Plus, for some odd reason I've been complimented a lot recently by people and there's nothing new to my makeup routine or anything so the past few days have been pretty pleasing.

   I need to do a makeup look soon and post on my own hair and makeup instead of posting on other makeup and hair trends. I want to make my blog more my own. I want this blog to show my style and the thoughts of fashion and makeup that I create. I've been told I'm talented and I need to use it. To be honest, I'm a bit shy and sometimes afraid to show my talents. I'll be afraid that I'll be wrong or I won't do something correct. I guess that's part of growing up, experiencing things and becoming yourself, and not caring what other people think.

   Also, for those of you that may be my family or friends that are reading this, I'm about to make a statement that may alarm you, but do not be alarmed as it will not happen anytime in the near future. I go through baby/toddler sections and drool at the clothing and yearn for the day where I can dress up my children and teach them to be good, kind, hard-working people. I'm young, I understand that and I realize that raising children is hard. I've helped, only helped with my brother and sister and it has had quite its challenges and sometimes I feel like ripping out my hair and crying all at the same time.
   Along with those days though I've had some wonderful, rewarding times helping my siblings. I started tutoring them and their grades have become better and I've taught them to do basic household chores. Seeing them work and do well at it, is one of the most rewarding things I've experienced in my 17 years of life. I hope that one day, maybe at their weddings, that along with my parents, they too will thank me.

   Hope you all had the most wonderful of weeks, and will continue to have one over and over and over. If you have one of those days where it's not wonderful and you too feel like ripping out your hair and crying, just know that someone will always be there to love you. If not your girlfriend/boyfriend, mom/dad, brother/sister, bestfriends, I love you. Everyday I wish I could hug the hurting hearts and give love to those that feel unloved.

   Wanting a hot shower and my blankets, Sarah. Xx.


  1. OH MY GOD. You are my soul mate. I love the baby section. I lovee looking at baby stuff. I also have magazines too! Love you!

  2. Soulmates dolleh. <3 One of these days we should go to a store and look in the baby section for how we could dress our babehs. That would be so adorable...
