Monday, January 9, 2012

ROCK and Roll...

ROCK and Roll...

ROCK and Roll... by sarahisofficial
If you've been feeling a little rock and roll lately, this look would be amazing! From the distressed skinny jeans to the sexy booties you will look rock and roll from head to toe. If you decide to go with a look like this with your makeup make sure you wear a light foundation, a heavy red lip, and dark black winged eyeliner. It's what I would call sheek rock & roll. Ha ha ha.

Hope you all are enjoying your new year! Maybe things have been wonderful, maybe things have not been so great. Know that either way I pray that all of your hearts are fulfilled and all of your dreams come true. When the going gets tough go grab some ice cream and read my blog, ha ha just kidding. When the going gets tough, remember what ou're fighting for, whether it be your dreams, your babies, or even your life. Think of all the wonderful times you've had and know that wonderful times will come again.

Here's to being up at 4:00 because you can't sleep, Sarah. Xx.


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