Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happiness Within.

Hi lovelies! I just wanted to write a quick, little post before going to pick up my mom from work. I know a lot of people are having trying times right now emotionally, financially, and all other ways possible. So, if you're not having the best week do something to change it! You're absolutely making it worse when all you do is wallow in it!

BTW: Wallow, vb. : To move about with difficulty.

The definition says it all, all you are doing is making it difficult for yourself to move on from these hard times! And trust me, things can get much harder if you think about it too much because all of your energy goes into your life and if you have negative energy your life will result in negative circumstances. That's why it is soo important to stay positive.

I know it's really hard sometimes but positive energy gives you positive results! Mind over matter! Happiness is key!

Mahatma Gandhi once said: "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."

Basically positive thoughts, positive words, and positive actions can lead to happiness! You just have to believe it and do it for yourself! Nobody can make you happy. You may think I need a boyfriend to make me happy or my favorite designer shoes to make me happy, not true. Happiness lies within your own heart and your own life. Boyfriends and designer shoes cannot do that for you no matter what we think.

With this post I hope you take these words and this advice and apply it.

Hope you all have a wonderfully happy rest of the day, Sarah. Xx.

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