Because I need more batteries for my camera and the super cool nail polish theme I did is now chipping off, I need to get new batteries and re-paint my nails to the blog that I wanted to do today. But I ended up having a lot of work to do today and also am feeling a little sicky. Ew, right? So I will do a Monday Funday blog! This blog will include 10 fun facts about me. Ready? Let's go!
1. I love owl-themed jewelry. Earrings, rings, necklaces, you name it. If it has an owl on it...I think it's pretty rad. Yes...I just said rad. Gnarly dude.
2. I'm very good in school. My favorite subject is History and my least favorite subject is Math. Go figure, I'm looking into Buisness majors.
3. I love the color turquoise. Especially in a Native American theme.
4. When I'm sick, I love ordering "The Coldbuster" from Jamba Juice. It's a yummy pre-boosted smoothie that gives you an immunity boost and an antioxidant boost to help get those ickies away. (I had one just yesterday actually. They're yummy too!)
5. I love when at night I can rewind. Take a shower, get on my jammies, and watch one of my favorite tv shows like The Voice, Smash, or Parenthood for example.
6. I'm obsessed with pretty dresses. They're just so...pretty.
7. I prefer keeping my hair short instead of long. I get really annoyed when my hair is long and it's all over the place, it's not any fun.
8. I lived in Oklahoma for 17 months and miss it everyday. (I now live back in my home state of California.)
9. I love animals! I have four kitties and love them all to pieces. <3
10. One word: SPORTS! I love football, baseball, and basketball. I love going to live sports games, they're so fun! The food however is always really expensive so make sure to eat a good meal before you go. Unless, you're favorite part of going to a game is getting the infamous "American Dog." Ha ha. I personally cannot eat something like that just sitting in a seat. I'm weird though...
Anyways, there are ten fun facts about me and what I love and do and think. Ya know. I will leave you with a wonderful quote and then be off and into my night of DVR-ed goodness.
"Leadership: The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Hope you all have a wonderful week and lead yourself and others to make the right choices and give somebody a bright, beautiful smile.
Here's to nice warm jammies and your favorite spot on the couch, Sarah. Xx.