Saturday, July 28, 2012

My "Dark Knight Rises" Movie Review:

   I've recently gone to see the new Batman "The Dark Knight Rises." Read my review to see what I thought of it. Keep in mind I am not a professional movie reviewer so I am not at all intense when it comes to the more detailed parts. I've written this review as a fellow fan of superhero movies.


   I went to see this movie with my dad and siblings and I wanted to originally see "The Amazing Spider-Man" but we decided to see "The Dark Knight Rises" instead. I am so happy that we did! This movie was amazing! So amazing that I've now gone twice and plan on going to see it again!

   Two things I will say is...this movie is not for children and it is long. There was a young couple with their young son (maybe 3 or 4 years old) and he would get excited when Batman was onscreen but those were the only times he cared. There's also some intense action, killing scenes, and some scary characters.

   Plus, this movie is 3 hours and I could barely sit through a 3 hour movie, think of a 3 year old sitting through a 3 hour movie.

   I have seen all of the other Batman movies and this is my favorite so far. I love that they finally introduced Robin! I've been waiting for him to make an appearance. Very glad that Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays him too! Catwoman was potrayed very well by Anne Hathaway, as was Bane by Tom Hardy.

   Excellent casting, plot, and ending! Five stars from me!

Xoxo, Sarah.

P.S. I have now nailed down Bane's voice! Ha ha, it was not easy! I have also tried Batman's but haven't gotten anywhere with that


  1. Great review!

    Chris Nolan has created one of the best trilogies. Chris Bale was at his best and Anne was great as Selina as well.

    Check out my review .


  2. Thank you! Nolan has created one of the best trilogies! I will read your review.
