Friday, July 20, 2012

Aurora, Colorado. July 20, 2012.

   Today I would like to take this blog and dedicate it to those injured/killed and affected by the massacre that happened early this morning in Aurora, Colorado. My heart aches for the family and friends that lost their loved ones. Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, and friends were lost in a horrible tragedy that will remain in our minds for as long as we all shall live. I cannot wrap my head around how someone can be so evil to kill innocent lives, including young children's lives.

   People sitting in that theatre only wanted to see the latest "Batman" movie. They were sitting with their friends and/or family not knowing what was next. We would never imagine that someone so senseless would walk into a full theatre openin fire killing a dozen people and injuring 50+ more. Not only is my heart with the family and the friends of the victims but also with those that survived and have to live with what they saw, but also with law enforcement. I know that I personally would not be able to be apart of this case, so I can only imagine how police officers with children are being affected by this case.

   Last night at 2:00 in the morning I sat on my couch choking back tears as I watched witnesses cry about what they saw in that movie theatre and all I wanted in that moment was the suspect to be found and killed. I'll be the first person to admit that when I see these kind of things on the news, I have nothing but a burning rage to have justice be served. I hope that justice is served and that the people involved are able to find peace.

They are not alone as the rest of the country mourns along with them. Make sure to hug your loved ones a little tighter today as we pray for those that were killed and those that will struggle with this tragedy for the rest of their lives. May God Bless all of you and your families!

Xoxo, Sarah.

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