Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day:

   Today's blog isn't going to be about makeup, fashion, or anything like what I normally write about. Today I write this blog in honor of my father, David Cook. One of my favorite people in the world, Kandee Johnson, lost her father in a tragic accident on Wednesday and it opened my eyes to what would happen if I lost my father. My world would be completely different...shattered, broken, and numb.

   I'm very close with my parents and it's funny because even if I try to deny it sometimes I'm very much like my father. We both get strawberry red in the face when we laugh, we can only handle negative people for so long before we're pulling out our hair, and we both enjoy sports and real estate. I don't even know where to begin to describe my father. I feel as if I might not give him the justice that he deserves if I write about him.

   He lost both of his parents when he was young. He didn't lose them both at the same time, there were actually years between but if I lost my parents the way that he did, when he did, I wouldn't be sane. My father is strong and sometimes a little hard-headed and rough but he's had the life to go with it. He had a lot of help after his parents died but it took him awhile to actually accept it. When he did accept it, he got a job and started getting focused.

   After he got focused he got a job, met my mom, got married, and started having children. My dad has been a good dad. Was he a perfect dad? No. I don't believe that any parent is perfect. Just like no human can be perfect, how can you expect your parent to be? There were times when I didn't like him and he didn't like me. Most of those times were in the beginning of my teenage years (understandably ha) but now I realize that I was just being a snotty teenager and had no place to be the way that I was sometimes.

   If you're younger (teenage years) and reading this, please take it from me: Don't disrespect your parents. Don't be mean, curse, or yell at them. One day when they're not here you'll remember all of those times where you weren't nice and it will eat you up. If you don't do it to start with, no bad memories like that can eat you up. Your parents try everything to keep you safe, even if you don't like their decisions sometimes. It's not because they're trying to keep you from having fun it's because they want you to come home safe and sound and if they don't believe you're going to come home that way then you're not going.

   Trust your parents instincts. Most of the time they know what they're doing. Before I tell my mom anything about what's happening in my life she somehow knows what advice to give, as does my dad. How do they do that? Is it a sixth sense? Superpower? I guess we won't know until we're parents ourselves.

   I hope one day that I find a man like my dad. A strong, funny, handsome, and Godly man. I want to find a man that knows that he's not perfect and admits it. I want a man that I can sit and watch sports with and he let's me know my sports. I know some guys don't like it when girls know their sports. Sometimes I'm wrong with statistics or names and my dad will correct me but with love. If you're not a sports fan then you might not relate to this part, haha.

   I just hope that you all have good relationships with your dad and are close to him. I know that it's not always a reality. I have friends that don't know their dads or ever talk to them. That's where I'm blessed. I'm blessed enough to wake up and see my father everyday. That's what I don't want to take forgranted.

    So instead of getting mad at your father today, go and give him a bear hug. Go tell him how much you love him, because chances are he loves you right back too. Even if he doesn't say it all of the time because especially if you're a teenage girl they don't want to embarass you or step on your toes so they might hold back a bit.

   Hope you all had a fantastic Father's Day!

Quotes About Fathers:

"The greatest gift I ever had
 Came from God; I call him dad." Unknown

"A father carries pictures where his money used to be." Unknown

"One father is more than one hundred Schoolemasters." George Herbert 

Xoxo, Sarah.

P.S. I'm also blessed for my Heavenly Father! He gives me strength and patience with His spirit everyday!

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